“One mystery of the desert lies in the fact that somewhere there hides beauty.”
And so it is with the “opportunities” that hide within the design and construction phases of a custom home building project that, with the proper coaxing, make themselves known. Because opportunities are hard to see on a sheet of paper, one must trust the parties controlling the direction to “find the vision”.
The first suggestion of the “vision” occurs with the coming together of the team charged with defining the scope and magnitude of the project. It is the builder who ultimately becomes the translator for the team, and the one responsible for the correct interpretation and implementation of the interactive disciplines.
The team…all leaders within their own disciplines must know how to design and create, and know when to stop.
The team must know not only how much one can add to the project, but also how much not to take away from the beauty of the surroundings.
Finally, the team must tailor their respective disciplines to the needs and success of the project as a whole.And, once the “vision” is identified, collectively, they must strive to “produce two blades of grass, where once there was but one.” – Frank Lloyd Wright controlling the direction to “find the vision”.